Wedding Invitations, Lavender%20Wreath%20Invitation

Your initials are proudly displayed within the delicate leaves of a lavender wreath in this stunning wedding invitation. You can almost smell the fragrant aroma of lavender wafting through the air as you take in the whimsical appeal of this elegant but simple invitation. Your personalized message and choice of wedding font is displayed below, and save the dates, table cards, response cards, and thank you cards are also available to complete your wedding stationary. Ideal for spring weddings, outdoor affairs, and a wide range of other themes.

Lavender Wreath Wedding Invitation For the best experience, we recommend personalizing your stationery on a desktop computer.  
$ 1

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Phone: 201-215-2004 | 100 Hudson Street, Floor 2, Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA

Wedding Invitations & Stationery Boutique
Perfectly Invited is the perfect online invitation web site and retail boutique for discerning couples who want the flexibility of having their wedding stationery designed to fit their style and budget. It's a one-stop wedding stationery shop for everything a couple would need from save the date cards or magnets to wedding invitations, programs, menus, table place cards to thank you cards.

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